Review: Sunbringer

Sunbringer by Hannah Kaner
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After a long wait, I just finished reading Sunbringer, the second book of the Fallen Gods Trilogy by Hannah Kaner, and I was not let down.

This book picks up immediately after the events of Godkiller, which is a great thing for readers eager to dive back into the story (such as me).

Kaner continues to do an impressive job with the Fallen Gods characters. She proves once again her admirable capacity of including diverse characters in a way that feels genuine and meaningful, which is something I truly appreciate. Their development remains my favourite part of the series, and witnessing their growth—both heroes and villains—was a highlight. The themes surrounding the Gods and their powers are intriguing and could lead to some interesting discussions about religion and beliefs.

The fact that for most of the book the characters were on their separated lines of action—which was a turn-off for most readers — it made me appreciate Kaner's focus on the growth of Inara, Skediceth, and Elo. It developed the camaraderie and chemistry that made the cast so compelling in the first book.

I understand most people struggled with the first half of the book and much enjoyed the second. I had nearly the opposite experience.
In the first half of the book, the pacing was slightly slower compared to the first book, something I didn't mind at all, as I could sense Kaner was setting the stage for something epic.

In the second half, I found the author's desire to fasten the pace and describe the epic chaos didn't translate all too well and became somewhat messy. I felt out of breath at times, which could be a great thing, but, in this case, it wasn't. Also, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed by the predictable twist, and that alone let me deflated.

To conclude, I found Sunbringer to be a stronger work than Godkiller. Still, it’s clear that there’s potential for more excitement in future books of the Fallen Gods series, and I’m curious to see how the story unfolds.

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