Review: Wrong Place Wrong Time

Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Seeing the hype around Wrong Place Wrong Time and being completely ignorant of Gillian McAllister's work, I approached it with a mix of fear of being disappointed and curiosity. The premise was quite intriguing: a mother, witnessing a shocking event involving her son, finds herself caught in a time loop, reliving the hours leading up to that moment. This psychological thriller turned out to be worth of the hype, and I'm glad I've got to experience McAllister's writing.

I became super invested right from the start, as the sharp contrast between the ordinary and the extraordinary set a strong tone. The pacing is excellent, with each chapter revealing more about the events around the crucial moment when everything begins. The author effectively blends intensity with moments of introspection, giving me a chance to catch my breath before diving back into the chaotic events.

Jen, the protagonist, is a multidimensional and very well drawn character. As a mother, her protective instincts are quite palpable, and her love for her son, Todd, guides her actions throughout the story. As I explored Jen's problems and accomplishments, I felt a lot of empathy seeing her fight with the repercussions of each choice she made within the spiral of time.

Todd, on the other hand, is shown to be an enigmatic young man whose actions and reasons are slowly shown. The plot revolves around the bond between a mother and son, and McAllister does a wonderful job of capturing the subtleties of their interactions. The conflict between their love and the tragic incident creates an emotional background that is both heartbreaking and intriguing.

The author expertly uses the mundane routine of family life, school, and neighbourhood to ground the story, making the unusual components feel even more powerful.
The time loop element of the story is cleverly used. Every round reveals new clues, and I found myself solving the puzzle alongside Jen. The tension rises as the story progresses, and I was continually intrigued, trying to predict, without much success, what would happen ahead.

That being said, Wrong Place, Wrong Time is an engrossing novel that mixes suspense and emotional depth. McAllister has created a fascinating thriller that delves into the complexities of family dynamics and the consequences of our decisions. While there were a few pace concerns in the middle regarding the repetition of actions, the overall execution and character development more than compensated. I will certainly be reading more from the author.

Trigger and Content Warnings:
Graphic - Murder, Death of parent, Death
Moderate - Kidnapping, Violence
Minor - Suicide, Sexual content


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